

Deliveries of imported pharmaceutical products to Russia are stable, including through Poland. Managing Director of NC Logistic Harold Vlasov told about this during the expert session at the VII Warehouse Conference. – The transit delivery time of products from the Netherlands to the Russian Federation is about 8 days. It is ok. But cosmetics goes only interspersed with pharma. In this case, the customs services of the EU countries most often skip these products," the expert noted.
Components for pharmaceutical production are supplied through alternative channels through Turkey and the UAE, the speaker added. However, the purchase of these products from European companies is possible only by manufacturers from countries not included in the sectional lists. Supplies for pharmaceutical production will not be sold to logistics operators or distributors, Harold Vlasov explained.
– Thus, an additional link appears in the supply chain. But the route through Turkey is only suitable for high-margin cargo, for example, cosmetics. Since the cost of transportation is 3 times higher," the speaker summed up.
Nikolay Voinov, CEO of DPD in Russia, considers deliveries via Turkey, Dubai and Kazakhstan to be "separate stories". In addition, the expert does not exclude that in the near future these loopholes may be covered up, since "all transactions are transparent" and it is not difficult to find a Russian trace in them, if desired.
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